Facilities and Modernization

The Department of Facilities and Modernization is responsible for the maintenance of all ARHA-owned properties.  Maintenance staff respond to any request for repairs resulting from normal wear and tear free of charge.  Any repairs beyond normal wear and tear are charged to the resident.  If you have a request for maintenance service, it is the resident’s   responsibility to inform ARHA staff as soon as possible, as delayed repairs can result in further damage and additional costs to the resident.

This Department maintains ARHA’s fleet of vehicles which includes approximately 19 trucks and vehicles used by maintenance, modernization and administrative staff. Facilities and Modernization is also responsible for the implementation and oversight of all activities related to the Capital Fund Program (CFP).  A range of other technical and professional services are provided within the organization to implement and support energy conservation programs, and green building initiatives.


The mission of this Department is to provide maintenance services to ARHA residents and ensure that their homes are safe and provide a healthy environment, while building bridges between agency partners and the neighborhood for a sustainable community.


  • Support all ARHA departments to accomplish our common goal of being a High Performer agency;
  • Provide support to ARHA residents by maintaining all units in good condition;
  • Maintain sustainable, ecological friendly, energy efficient living and working environments, and
  • Support efforts for safer neighborhoods within our communities.


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  • @ Dec 31